Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Who do you like want to Unbutton?

Levi's has always been one of the top jean companies worldwide. It loves to advertisement internationally using different celebrities for different countries. An example would this printed ad from Korea.

(Picture from http://haloyo.wordpress.com/2009/09/13/korean-levis-premium-collection-stars-song-hye-kyo-and-some-token-dude/)

It features a Korean actress named Song Hye Kyo who is also known for being the best face of her country. This technique of Levi's of using very popular celebrities to draw in attention is very intelligent and simple. Even though it is not well thought out, its simplicity of the best face of Korea wearing their jeans make other ladies desire one for their own. The others would think that if they had jeans like that, they'd look like her or look just as good as her.
However, back to the point, one advertisement from Levi's that really interested me was one of their advertisements from their Levi's 501 Live Unbuttoned collection.

(Picture from http://adoholik.com/2009/03/20/levis-latte/)
This printed ad features a very attractive young girl on the streets of the city. It looks like she is in Broadway, Manhattan with all the taxis and New York City style houses around her. There are also garbage cans, streetlights, and poles with graffiti all over it. The first thing I saw before anything else was the font in red in the center of the ad. It reads the Boy who makes my morning latte. At first, I was very confused but I looked around the ad and I figured out it was an answer to a question. The question was Who do you want to unbutton? And the answer was the Boy who makes my morning latte. It seems that the girl is waiting for her coffee outside the coffee shop flirtatiously and that the person making the latte inside is the boy she likes. As you notice on the ad, her answer of who she wants to unbutton is also in handwritten letters in script in red. This can mean that she is very girly and in a romantic mood.
The very attractive girl is also looking straight at the camera. This tells us that she is not any different from us. It is very possible any one of us could have a little crush on someone that works at Starbucks. Or better yet, the question of who do you want to unbutton can be relatable to all of us. Levi's uses sex appeal very often in their advertisements especially towards the younger generation. They also use attractive models so that we could either look up to or want to be him or her. In this ad, the girl is wearing a laid back top with their boyfriend jeans. She is attractive, tall, and very fit and even though she is wearing the most simple clothes, she still looks good. I think the simplicity of the woman is portrayed because it brings out a youth spectrum of all generations. The younger we are, the less we need to cover. Thus, bring out the simplicity suggests the romance of the younger generation. Her laid back posture and the I don't care look on her face symbolizes the ways of the twenty first century women. She is showing her masculine look that women couldn't back in the old centuries. The showing of her skin also signifies that she has power and confidence and the will to do whatever she wants.
This advertisement uses both fear and desire to grab the attention of its consumers. The masculinity shown from the female model from the advertisement is suggesting that men might like women with a sense of power or confidence. It could also mean that women that lacks that won't make it big in the world such as those in the older centuries. An example is that Femininity isn't suggested when having a crush on somebody because men like a more masculine women. In the end, this advertisement is just telling us to buy their jeans so we could look like the women in the advertisement so that our love confession would succeed.